My name is Emanuel McCall and I want to welcome you to YouthBuild Schenectady’s project! I am a YouthBuild graduate and am still involved with the program here in Schenectady. After a lot of planning and a lot of help from Saint-Gobain, our deep energy retrofit project at 843 Emmett Street is ready to take the next step. Last June, I participated in the first design charrette, and I spoke to a crowd of 200 elected and business officials and community leaders at the Saint Gobain and YouthBuild kick-off in November. I am eager to see our new young people working on this house. I think it will be a great opportunity for our program to experience the entire rehabilitation of a home. Right now, we are accepting bids on lead and asbestos demolition and abatement. After that, the house should be ready for construction. We have a lot of work to do and I am eager to start this project. The project is a 4 bedroom 2 bathroom home that is a little over 1500 square feet in the Hamilton Hill community. Since the charrette, our goal has been to earn LEED Silver and an Energy Star rating. I have been working with our new group and they’re ready to get to work. Once the demolition and abatement is done, we will start construction. Until then, our young people will continue to learn about green construction in the classroom and field.