Film, Media, and Post-Production Career Training

New career training program for young people ages 18-24, focused on preparing students for the following entry-level careers in film studio production

    • Production Assistant
    • Video/Film Editor
    • Location Scout
    • Boom Operator
    • Audio Engineer
    • Set Construction/Carpentry


In 2018, Film Director Prince Sprauve, began working with SEAT students to create original content with the goal of engaging prospective youth in our programs through relevant content, delivered by young people in the region, for young people in the region.   In 2020, Prince joined the SEAT team, with the ultimate goal of creating a film documenting the journey of SEAT Center students.   In 2020, SEAT Center opened a second training center, 120 S. Church Street, Schenectady; which is directly behind Armory Studios.   Armory Studios features over 90,000 sq. ft. of space devoted to every aspect of production needs, housing all departments under one roof and provides productions with the opportunity to take advantage of the 40% New York State Film Tax Credit, as the Capital Region’s largest dedicated qualified soundstage.    The proximity of Armory Studios to SEAT trainees has already led to many career opportunities for students in this field.


Our Team of Social Entrepreneurs & Trainers:

Jennifer Lawrence is the Founder & CEO of the Social Enterprise and Training Center, known as SEAT Center.  Jennifer’s life work is about bringing opportunity, access, and resources to underrepresented young people. She is passionate about connecting the business community with an untapped workforce to support the economic growth of the Capital Region. Jennifer has 20+years of nonprofit management, workforce, and youth development experience and is considered to be an expert in the field of social entrepreneurship. She earned her master’s degree in Social Work Administration from Fordham University and currently serves on the Capital Region Chamber’s Board of Directors and as a Board Member for the Daily Gazette.

Prince Sprauve, Project Leader and Director of Film & Media.  Prince Sprauve is a filmmaker whose narratives resonate deeply with the challenges faced by American communities. Raised amidst the struggles of Brooklyn’s Fort Green Housing Projects in the 1980s, Sprauve’s formative years were marked by poverty and violence. However, his inherent talent and natural leadership abilities began to shine through even in the face of adversity.

A pivotal moment in Sprauve’s life came with his relocation to Schenectady, NY. Supported by his grandparents and guided by mentors like Mr. Eric Connolly, Sprauve pursued education and discovered his passion for filmmaking. Under Connolly’s tutelage, Sprauve mastered the art of camera operation, editing, and digital engineering, leading to the creation of his debut film, “Fast Life,” in 2013.

“Fast Life” wasn’t just a cinematic endeavor; it was a testament to Sprauve’s resilience and determination. Collaborating with 150 students, community organizations, and volunteers, Sprauve brought to light the untold stories of his upbringing and the challenges faced by many in his community.

Since then, Sprauve has continued to make waves in the independent filmmaking scene. Through films like “Make it Home,” “Cradle,” and “The Last Shot,” he fearlessly tackles pressing social issues such as youth at risk, teen pregnancy, addiction, and gun violence, sparking crucial conversations that pave the way for healing and societal change.

Beyond his filmmaking endeavors, Sprauve actively collaborates with organizations like Proctors Theater, Warner Brothers Games, and local schools, using his platform to drive positive transformation. As a father, mentor, and role model, he inspires those around him to pursue their passions and contribute meaningfully to their communities.

In essence, Prince Sprauve’s life’s work revolves around using the power of storytelling to foster dialogue and healing. Through his films, he sheds light on the harsh realities of our world while offering hope for a brighter future. His legacy is one of resilience, empathy, and empowerment—a legacy that will undoubtedly endure for generations to come.

Josh Friedman,  Trainer.  Joshua A. Friedman is a Producer, DGA Assistant Director, Author, and Tech Entrepreneur. Mr. Friedman has worked in the film industry for over a decade. He started on the show Law & Order: Criminal Intent back in 2007 with his most recent project being the movie Tesla starring Ethan Hawke in 2019. Over the years Mr. Friedman grew from a Production Assistant (He wrote and published a book, “Getting It Done: The Ultimate Production Assistant Guide”) to a Union (Director’s Guild of America) Assistant Director on Feature Films and Television shows around the United States. He began producing low-budget features in 2014 and saw a need for connection and management throughout the entire entertainment Industry. The future is possible.

We Learn


Training Values

We believe it is part of our core mission to not only prepare young people for entry-level jobs, but to provide the academic rigor and classroom environment to create life-long learners who are better equipped for the challenges of college and advanced training.

That is why our curriculum incorporates a college preparatory environment to align with common core and college entrance requirements. The education model at SEAT Center is a unique “Learn by Doing’ model that incorporates authentic learning through project based, contextualized lessons.

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