SEAT Center connects young people to meaningful work
through our array of programs and services.
Meaningful work matters! Yet, far too many young people face massive obstacles that block their access to prepare for and find work. Many young people feel that they are out of hope and out of options. When you feel you have nothing to live for, you have nothing to work toward.
Our Mission
To provide transformative educational and workforce experiences that create a sense of purpose and hope in our communities and connect business to real time solutions.
Our Vision
In the next 10 years, SEAT Center will turn back the tide of hopelessness and unequal opportunity and create change through employment opportunities for young people in the Capital Region. We see:
- Every young person equipped to lead themselves, find jobs, contribute to their community and catapult themselves through social and economic adversity.
- An empowered workforce full of SEAT graduates who are effective and positive contributors to society.
- Hundreds of youth who are living and working and leading in their communities.
- Deep partnerships with stakeholders who transform communities by building relationships and bridging the gap between people and purpose.
At SEAT Center, we will not quit until we can get young people in the workforce.
Our Purpose
SEAT Center exists to work alongside underrepresented young people to create a SEAT at the table in their community.
We know that due to income status, neighborhood, skin color, and educational inequities, entire groups of people are left out of opportunity.
A SEAT at the table means that our young people are:
- Invited, welcomed, and engaged in all aspects of community.
- Provided the skills to build their own “table” when one does not exist.
- Trained for in-demand careers and the careers of the future.
- Given the chance to have a first and second job and to build a resume.
- Included in local, state, and federal decision making.
- Voting for officials in elected offices.

Who We Serve
In 2022:
128 students started or completed Group or Individualized Programming that offers robust Case Management, Training, and Placement Opportunities, with 86% being new enrollees and 14% being carryover students from a previous year.
Of the 128:
61% identify as male
36% identify as female
2% identify as Non-Binary and less than 1% as Transgender
56% identify as African- American 31% identify with more than one race 13% identify as White
At enrollment:
27% of students were parenting
11% lived independently
12% lived with a partner
43% lived with parents
34% met the Federal definition of homelessness as an unhoused individual.
68% were Justice Involved
11% had special education needs